Color Belt

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Color Belt (Classic)

The Color Belt ~ Beginning of Rainbow Land
The Magic belt Wisp/Rainbow Brite finds in Rainbow Land which creates a Rainbow when Star Sprinkles are near by. It has had many uses in the past.

1:A communicator and warning device:

2: Controls Color Crystals

  • Peril in the Pits: when Star Sprinkles are near it assists in forming them in to a round prism ball, to which Rainbow Brite blows through it and makes a rainbow. This was the only time in the TV show that this happened. Later rainbows were only created by Rainbow Brite touching them with her fingers.

The Color Belt gets it's power from Color Crystals, and can "drain" and not create rainbows. It also does not work well in the pits, due to the thick gloom. This happened again on spectra when Rainbow Brite couldn't make a rainbow through the thick mist over the falls.

Color Belt (25th Anniversary)

2009-Present Color Belt

The magic belt in the 2009-Present release has similar powers to that of the previous belt, but most of the power comes from the new Star Scepter.

Personal tools
Rainbow Brite (2010's)
Rainbow Brite (Feeln)
Product Details