Robot horse

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Robot Horse
Robot Horse
Murky Invention
Type Robot
Status Shut Down
 • A Horse of a Different Color

The Robot Horse

The Robot Horse was invented by Murky Dismal for use in the great horse race which is part of the Sprite Fair. All the horses in Rainbow Land were ready to compete in the competition while Murky decided to submit his own entry with a secret weapon. The goal of the Robot Horse was the race around the track and spray all the people with a gloom cloud. Once everyone was murked out he then stole the real horses in the hopes of having them power a fan in the pits that would blow gloom down into Rainbow Land.

The Robot horse, while wobbly in it's construction did succeed in it's task and Starlite and On-X were captured.

Rainbow Brite (2010's)
Rainbow Brite (Feeln)
Product Details