Rainbow Land

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Rainbow Land (Original)

Rainbow Land
In a faraway land, right at the end of the rainbow, there is a wonderful kingdom where all the colors of the Earth are created. The land was once dark and gloomy, but now, thanks to one special person, it is glowing with color and has a new name - Rainbow Land! In the heart of Rainbow Land is the Color Castle. It is a magical place decorated with star-shaped windows and rainbow arched doorways through which sunbeams glitter and dance. It is the happiest castle ever! ~Rainbow Brite's Treasury (1985)
Around Rainbow Land are many colorful regions:
Red Regions * Orange Meadows * Yellow Plains * Green Grange * Blue Zone * Indigo Acres * Violet Valley

Rainbow Land (Feeln)

Rainbow Land in Feeln's Show
It feels like a place of dreams, a place that almost shouldn’t exist, but very much does. Everything here is awesome, everyone wants to share this awesomeness and happiness with those in need. Soft, flowy, bouncy, and puffy. Nothing is threatening in this land. ~ from RainbowBrite.Com (2015)[1]
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Rainbow Brite (2010's)
Rainbow Brite (Feeln)
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