Rainbow Brite

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Rainbow Brite


  • Name: Rainbow Brite (Aka: Wisp)
  • Gender: Female
  • Sprite: Twink
  • Voiced by: Bettina


Rainbow Brite (Classic)

Although she may be small, her good deeds and the magic she performs with her powerful Color Belt, more than make up for her size! Although full of fun, Rainbow always makes sure her work comes first. She may be enjoying a merry game with her friends, but should a sun-drenched field of wheat be in danger of losing its beautiful yellow color, or a forest of green trees need it's green leaves reviving , Rainbow is there in a thrice providing them with all the color they need. She does this by scattering lots of Star Sprinkles which turn magical in Rainbow's fingers. Rainbow lives in the Color Castle.

~The Rainbow Brite Treasury (1985)


The history of Rainbow Brite was broadened in 1985 with the release of “The Beginning of Rainbow Land” which gave everyone a look of how Rainbow Land came to be. In it's story, a little girl named Wisp is brought to a dark gloomy world to search for the Sphere of Light, and restore the colors. This little girl became Rainbow Brite, protector of color.

Rainbow Brite's Name in Other Languages
Language Country Flag Name
Rainbow Brite
French (France)
French (Canadian)
Regina Regenbogen
Spanish (Spain)
Spanish (Mexico)
Arco Iris

Rainbow Brite


  • Name: Rainbow Brite
  • Gender: Female
  • Sprite: Twinkle

Rainbow Brite(2009)

Every world needs a hero ... and in Rainbow Land, that hero is Rainbow Brite. With the help of her friends, her magnificent horse Starlite, and her magical Color Belt and Star Scepter, Rainbow Brite travels to the far corners of the universe, bringing hope and happiness to everyone she meets. No matter where you are, you can always count on Rainbow Brite to make your heart a little lighter and your world a little more colorful! ~ from RainbowBrite.Com

The NEW Rainbow Brite Story

The offical Website www.RainbowBrite.Com[1] was launched October 5th 2009. With it the continuing story of Rainbow Brite.

Not so very long ago, a little girl name Wisp appeared in a colorless and unhappy world. Through courage, kindness and friendship, Wisp became Rainbow Brite and transformed the unhappy world to Rainbow Land, a magical place where all the colors in the universe are created.

Now, Rainbow Brite is one of Rainbow Land’s four Sky Powers, characters whose magical powers determine the cycles of Rainbow Land’s days and seasons. With the help of her friends, her magnificent horse Starlite, and her magical Color Belt and Star Scepter, Rainbow Brite travels to the far corners of the universe, bringing hope and happiness to everyone she meets. No matter where you are, you can always count on Rainbow Brite to make your heart a little lighter and your world a little more colorful! ~ From www.rainbowbrite.com

With the launch of the new website a mini episode was also released to explain why Rainbow Brite has been missing.

Personal tools
Rainbow Brite (2010's)
Rainbow Brite (Feeln)
Product Details