Rainbow Brite Dolls (Up Up & Away)

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Rainbow Brite Dolls
Rainbow Brite by Up up & Away
Company Up up & Away
Rainbow Brite Logo 1997



Rainbow Brite Dolls by Up up & Away

In 1997 a production company out of New York known as Up up & Away attempted to relaunch Rainbow Brite to the public giving her an updated look and all new "Friends". This new line of toys was to be more ethnic and politically correct.

Rainbow Brite's look was changed to a jumper, and her hair was changed from yarn to real/plastic type hair. Her star was removed, and there was no back story.

The Color Kids became "The Color Crew" The dolls came with "Color Glo" paints you could paint their cloths and hair, which then washed out. Refill paints were then purchased separately.

Rainbow Brite Description

Re-introducing the classic girl's line, RAINBOW BRITE is back, brighter then ever! With a whole new look and her own patented color n wash process, RAINBOW BRITE is set to put smiles on the faces of a whole new generation of little girls. So color your world fun with the all new RAINBOW BRITE!

~ Description via Up Up & Away's Website (OFFLINE)

Rainbow Brite's Story

When you get your colorful personality from your mother, the Rainbow, and the brightest attitude from your father, the Sun, there's only one way a girl can go -- the way of the Rainbow! It's Rainbow Brite!

When Rainbow Brite's parents see that our world could use a helping hand, they send their brightest joy, Rainbow Brite, to our world with a very special mission - to join all the colors and people of our world and bring them together as one.

To help carry out her mission, Rainbow puts together the COLOR CREW -- a group of four kids from around the world. These ordinary earth kids are chosen by Rainbow Brite because of their special "individual" qualities that make each of them extraordinary in their own way.

Indigo, Ebony, Amber, and Cerise join with Rainbow Brite to unite the colors of our world.

Together, the COLOR CREW are initiated into the code of the Rainbow and take the color creed -- "Bright, Brighter, Brightest!" There's a wrong way of doing things and there's the Rainbow "Right" Way. Not just by doing well, but by doing your very best is how to pass the Rainbow Brite Test!

So remember, The Way to Go is the Way of the Rainbow!

~ Description via Original Doll Box

Rainbow Brite 1997

They were as follows:

Rainbow Brite and the Color Crew 1997
Rainbow Brite Paints 1997
Sparkle Brite Doll

10" dolls

Rainbow Brite

15" Dolls

Rainbow Brite
Sparkle Brite


Paints by Color Glo
Color Glo Bear (included with 15: Rainbow Brite dolls and advertised in the JC Penny Catalog for that year)


Personal tools
Rainbow Brite (2010's)
Rainbow Brite (Feeln)
Product Details